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OCR: Multiple Address No Support? Mfultiple Processor Complex Breakpoints Price Hierarchical Display? Counting, conditional, "on reid . MRI, GNUF, Green Hills, SOS, orpart IPDE Supported Compilers Supported Sun or HP QGet symbolic debugger mailored R: Space Support? @ Simulator Avaliable? @ Supports Objects? Cycle Counter? write, necess attached mberos 695 and a out for Motorola 65k family, TOBE 53.300; 195, and COFT for free) 960 frenily specifically for in-circuit Counting, conditional, on:read Archimedes only Multiple execution chinominent winte, temporary and permanent $195-5995 from simulator, target board, cowur Yes Y& Counting conditional Texas Instruments C compiler for $1:495-$4.995. Specinity is multi-processing TMS320C3x, C4x, C8x DSPs depending on host! Yes Vés conditional. on . Avocet Systems and others Performance analyzer, powerful raul write, ran back to breakpoint notch command language for auro- mated testing. Yel No Yet Counting conditionalA on $051, 280. G8HCIL. 5809, Heidiwrite 68HC05, 6800/01/3. 6301/ 6503 $500 02, 8085. TMS320010/15/2025 8048 Counting. conditional, on resides Intertools. Passkey is kemel awarc. Write, software thithi breikpoints Counting, condinon kon: real BSO/Tracking and miy compiler that can- $495 write, software main breikpoint; Crossview Sim is bundled at po POS TERIE 695 charge in the appropriate compiler Counting:conditional, on road XDB/86: Intel. Borland, Metiware, $2,000-$2.200 package ... Yes No No "Yes Microsoft, Watchn; XDB6R: Green Hills, Eye level language - debugger available for different emulators Michtec, SOS {HP, Kontron, and Hitex), RTOS (SOS+, ) and hs R ROM-mons for sohilton. Yes No : Yes Yes: No Crining condition I All popular compilers $1.500 for Windows 52.000 for Unix 850 Tasking, TAR, Intel read w niejas defined by emiliatre Checkmate eval/demo bosidstusing; RISM- Counting, conditional, on read, Keil, BSO Tasking, Archimedes, VAR, 5599:5999 write as defined hy emulator Franklin Nohou emulators. ROM monitor, o simulator fincludes on-chip Most compilers on the market today peripherals CMXBug.as. free CMX debuggers help the iser with RTOSA CMXThicker $500 wock mind debug ife CMX RTOS while their application is ninconp. Yes No Yes Yeste No Counting, conditional, on, read Microsof, Borlind, Watcom, Michware, SE,995 Package includes source bo CSI- ante, hintwand breakpoints vil Intel mon tanger-resident monitor, roy- alty-free license to use the snomentor in user's application. 1-year main- Yes Yes tenance esetrest. Yes Yes Counting. on rent write COSMIC C cross compilers, Whitesmaths SONH (Similimg) compilers $1:250 (MON) Yes Counting on read write COSMIC C cross compiler. Whileariths $1-500 Yes Counting on ne d wnte COSMIC C cross compiler Yo Counting on read/write $1,250 (for. PEN COSMIC C cross compiler, Whilesmiths $1,250 (for. PEN compcky $1,250+) Counting: conditional, thrend sup- Mein Ware High C For is60 $4,000 single vect Gives BBN TotalView malik port, autcontie breakpoint lood process debugging on (SPI running Works/SC RTOS, Plices multi- process debugging over multiple SuperCants and processes undde All C, Fortran, Adn $5,000+ sing'e loens of control Ye Counting, condicional Focused on darte wahis exco ding code Supports real-time mukg cocess La fusion for single pencess chip No No Counting, conditional, on read! GNU C & C++, Malaware $1,995-comes bun- write, can zeach arbitriry dled with the GNI bommanis Pro Tool Kit